Great onboarding experiences can turn new members into loyal customers for life. Learn how to onboard like a pro.
Created by
Michael Gillespie
Onboarding is one of the most overlooked elements of membership, yet it’s the most influential factor that determines long-term outcomes.
Below is a recorded webinar where I cover proven member onboarding strategies that will not only impress your new members, but showcase your content in the best way possible.
The Big Picture: Member onboarding is often a passive experience at best, leaving members with no roadmap for how to engage with your content
The Statistics:
- You have 24 hours to convince new members to take the actions you want them to.
- Only 10% of all membership operators successfully design an onboarding experience around a specific action they want a member to take
🚀 The Action Plan:
Use the guidance in the video below to design the perfect onboarding experience for your membership while generating more revenue and member loyalty.
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